Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hope of Creation

What is my revolution, you ask? Well I guess that's part of my previously referred to tension.

I believe in a God of redemption and restoration. I believe in a Good that is making all things new and I believe that Christianity is more than church, more than legalism and more than The Bible. I believe in the restoration of all things as spoken of in Colossians. I believe in a God who created all of creation and called it good long before man and women were made. I believe that mankind has no power to give value to those things which were already given intrinsic value by the Creator. I believe in the sanctity of eating free-range chickens and in the need to spend hundreds of extra dolors on camping gear made in factories that are run ethically. I believe in putting money where my heart is. I believe in the need for social justice in my refrigerator and in my heart. I believe in living intentionally with the hope of creation in mind. All of creation.

I believe that creation groans for us to value it as God has. I believe that much of the Church has lost it's love and value for the things that God actually values... The restoration of all things... The coming home... The salvation and triumph over all evil. I hate that the ones who claim to most love the Creator often live in such ignorance and apathy of the impact of their actions.

If I do nothing else, I desire to love the Creator and to love His creation with fierce abandon. And, if I'm given the influence, to teach, disciple & lead Christians to sustainably & systematically transform, restore & reconcile Creation back to the Creator. To bringing שלדם through ἀποκαταλλάξαι .

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